Friday 30 December 2011

Christmas at the Navigation

Hope everyone had a good Christmas. We were made to feel like family at the Navigation Inn in Gnosall, where we had a smashing Christmas dinner, although poor Jimmi was tricked into carving a partridge to feed 17 of us. We had raised the roof with singing and dancing at the open mic night on 23 December, had a good time with Terry and Maggie for Terry's birthday on Christmas Eve and there was more live entertainment on Boxing night. As you can see from the attached photos we had a merry time- some more merry than others. Please open the attached You tube link to see a very funny video of one of the boaters getting more than merry at one of the earlier open mic nights.Please put it on full screen and with volume.  If you want to pass it on this is a link to put in emails   or search You tube for Navi Audience

Press play for this one.

Tuesday 13 December 2011

Christmas is coming and Tina's getting fat!

Please click on title to see all photos
Since the last blog we have been getting into the Christmas spirit - particularly Gluhwein. We went to the lighting up ceremony  in Brewood and met with local celebrity and Britain's Got talent finalist Jean Martyn - unfortunately we didn't realise she was famous so we were not very good fans. We have watched Morris dancers who also performed a traditional Mummers play and went to the Christmas Farmers Market in Market Drayton. We caught up with family and went to see Alice in Wonderland in Chipping Norton where Keith was on keyboards. We have caught up with Ann and Roger and had some good times with friends old and new. Although cruising has slowed down, the scenery is still stunning but at the end of the day it is nice to snuggle up with the cat.  We will probably be in Gnosall for Christmas. This little town in Staffs will see the Olympic Torch on 30 May next year. If you want to see the route go to

Have a great Christmas everyone

Tuesday 22 November 2011

How wild is it out there

We are currently just outside Brewood, so back in Staffordshire. We have stopped out in the countryside with the intention of getting on with some work on the boats (40 min walk to the pub), The view is lovely with the fields all around. Being on the boat you hear the owls at night and the occasional sound of a badger, although we have not seen one. Still hoping to see otters, but we have seen mink, kingfishers, buzzards, dragonflys and all sorts of birds. Here are some photos of some wild life and some really scary creatures| Just for fun is also a link to to a fab Youtube video.

Monday 7 November 2011

Wherever I drink my pint thats my home.

Please click on blog to see all the pics.

When you arrive in a place, people ask if you are a local. We have now started answering yes - for the time that we are moored, this is our home amd where we live. So far everywhere we have been has been friendly but to be honest when we find a nice friendly pub, thats when you feel you have found a 'local' and suddenly you feel at home. One of the favourites has been the Red Lion which is attached to the Joules brewery. If you ever find the beer I would  recommend it. Here are a few pictures to show that wherever I drink my pint thats my home and a few other characters we have clinked glasses with.

And for those of you of the wrong age to understand the title.

Tuesday 1 November 2011

Wide Open Spaces

Whilst travelling you go through a variety of scenery from urban to woodland and deep cuts as well as the occasional tunnel. Adrian has his Ipod for music and passing walkers can get surprised by a blast of Frank Zappa or Sabbath or a complete 80s fest. Towpath travellers are less fortunate with me as I can be heard singing along to myself. When the sceney opens out I must admit that the Dixie Chicks Wide Open spaces comes to mind. Here are some pictures and if you want to hear the song this is the You tube link.